Sunday, May 1, 2011


Oh my. These past couple weeks have been nuts. Every year, my school puts on a hair show by all of the students. All of the proceeds from the show are given to charity. Every year they have a theme and this year's theme was Influential Women in the Music Industry. Some of the women included Cher, Brittney Spears, Joan Jet, Madonna, etc.. Oh, and Lady GaGa [my group!]. The students put everything together, with the help of an instructor, from the music, to hair etc......
Here are some picture of what the girls in out group did.

Group shots.

My piece.

Kirena Allen. She IS amazing.

Chelsea, Liz, Natasha

Jamie's piece.

Dani's piece.

Here's this too.

I know it's probably a image overload looking at all this. But I'm very proud of the students and the hard work it took to put on this show.

I'm done for now. :]
Love Hairica.